Commemoration of Gandhi Memorial Park and 150 Trees Planting in Conjunction of Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th Birthday Celebration
The spirit of Mahatma Gandhi for non-violence, social justice and [...]
The spirit of Mahatma Gandhi for non-violence, social justice and [...] The large glass case was full of knives, [...]
Myskills notched the New year with the most memorable event [...]
Yesterday marked the last Bhagavad Gita class conducted by our [...]
8th December 2018 marked an exciting day in the life [...]
A group of ‘students’, 28 in all, made their way [...]
It is a special time at MySkills Kalumpang Lakeside Campus [...]
Tan Kah Kee was a prominent social activist, businessman and [...]
MySkills was priviledged to have the Honourable Minister of Human [...]