Being free, being creative, having a go, and working together, all while having fun.
Another life changing impact is what students at MySkills Foundation experience through the weekly “Saturday Night Fever” (SNF) opportunity. The week, from Monday to Friday sees them engage in different types of settings, with different objectives, from learning technical skills to learning to be quiet through meditation.
It is a much looked forward to event, not only the students but also all who believe and support these boys. For the boys, it is an occasional to expend their energies, show case their multi faceted talents, be themselves. Outwardly it may look like pure entertainment. However, looking at what goes on and understanding the background of the boys, it is beyond simple entertainment.
At work, through the SNF programme, are the principles and philosophies of MySkills, Transformation Beyond Skills. Much coordination is needed to put a dance, skit or a song rendition even; and prior to that, brainstorming of ideas. All these involve team work, ability to listen to one another, to trust, to believe in oneself, in one’s friends, to innovate, among others. Other skills like emotional skills and social skills also come into play. One learns to be patient, to practice, to give another person a chance, build confidence and simply enjoy the whole process. These humble beginnings have taken MySkills to greater heights, through the Astro Orangga Nadagam Programme.
But the greater achievement is what transformation each student undergoes as a result of these weekly opportunities. The memories of the audience enjoying is surely something that goes beyond the performance.
One has to come and experience the rich talent and the variety too, enjoy and check these great treasures.
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