Christmas celebration started well with MySkills Futsal Tournament which was held on the 24th of December 2017 recently was an excellent initiative by our students, staffs, parents and also with the volunteers team.
Our Heroes were divided into 8 teams mixed with the staffs and parents representing famous professional clubs. Students who were unable to play, helped the organising team to coordinate the event. They made sure everything runs smoothly throughout the tournament.
One of the parents generously sponsored the medals and trophies for the tournament. We also had supportive volunteers helping us to arrange lunch meals after the tournament.
The boys learned what is great sportsmanship where everyone earns respect and opportunity to play the game ethically. We had surprising results towards the last rounds of the tournament but it was anticipating excitement for each of them who
tried the best for the game.
It was a great wrap up for and tiring day with valuable take home for all of us. We make small differences throughout the transformation journey and you too can help us to make it better.
Please visit our website ( for more details and sign up as a volunteer or donor today!
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