“Yesterday’s event was soulful. A world class show was brought to the doorsteps of a cross section of the down-trodden of society” was how Mr. Pasupathi, the Director of MySkills Foundation reflected about Miracle on Wheels programme extraordinaire hosted by the Foundation at Rawang on 22nd November. It was a mixed audience, some of whom were invited specially. There was a group of twenty residents from the Positive Living Community from nearby Batu Arang. Present also was a mixed group of thirty students from Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris in Tanjung Malim. There were bussed down through the kindness of a donor.


While MySkills depends on public funds for the transformation of disadvantaged youth, the Foundation saw it fit to share the rare opportunity of a truly transformative programme particularly with those not in a position otherwise to have such access. As Alex Demong shared, “it was truly a worthwhile experience to be able to witness an incredible programme of such beauty”. Though on practical in Ipoh, he managed to get a group of students to the progarmme and arrived back in Ipoh later in the night. Like Mr. Pasupathi, he was much fulfilled. New friends were made through the Miracle on Wheels outreach, said Alex. The UPSI students did their part by making a financial contribution towards the efforts of MySkills in transforming the life of youth who are in a way, looked down by society.

For those from Batu Arang, it was an eye-opening event, shared Saesha who chaperoned the twenty men, three of whom who were on wheel chairs. They saw for themselves that people who were “disabled’ can do something better. “Each of them felt very positive about their disabilities and felt like new persons as they walked out from the hall. Dr. Pasha’s energy was very positive, very vibrant” shared Saesha. Even this morning, the group continued talking on and on about their experience and kept looking at snippets of the videos they had taken on their phones, observed Saesha. For the twenty men who have “disabilities” from HIV Aids, the Positive Living Community which provides shelter, support and care, a “newness” was born out of Miracle on Wheels. For himself, he felt very strongly the vibrant energy of Dr. Pasha.

Saesha further shared that the ambience of the hall was very warm and welcoming. In addition, he also observed that the non-Indians present enjoyed the show. He was appreciative too of the snacks- vadi, curry puffs, tea and coffee that was provided plentifully for all. After all, it is in giving that we receive. MySkills Foundation has seen to it that this rare opportunity of Miracle on wheels be shared with a sector of society. So, for those in the Klang valley, there are two more opportunities so that seeing, you will believe in the abilities of those who have traveled from far away bringing dance in a very different form. Be there to pass it on…and also to hold hands with MySkills Foundation in way you can.

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