It was an event on Global Training Partner Program Summit. The event was held at Intercontinental Hotel, from 13th November till 14th November. It was a full two day agenda of learning to successfully unpack the teacher training academies to ‘train the trainer’. The event encompass three different tracks, namely, Teacher Academies, Microsoft Imagine Academy, and Minecraft Education Edition. A round up of 150 people attended this informative programme from various company and organizations. MySkills Foundation gave this wonderful opportunity to me and another colleague of mine, Mr.Ramachandran and Mr.Dipankar to acquire more knowledge on Microsoft.

It was undeniable that they learnt a lot of new stuffs and were updated to the latest software which truly made their journey of learning way easier. Thay learnt on Office 365 which includes OneDrive, which makes the work you do available to you from anywhere, and to others when you collaborate or share.

Following day, which was the last day of the event, they were given to understand on the second track they chose. The Microsoft Imagine Academy eventually helps schools provide students with in-demand technical skills, and empowering the next generation to build the future of their dreams

The highlight of this event was, the recognition given with certificate on Microsoft on Education and with qualified badges that enable us to be a trainer in immediate effect. Along with that, we also successfully earned merit points as to increase our credits as a trainer.

Over and above, this event is a stepping stone for all the trainers to start exploring more on this new software and embrace upcoming updates on IT world, as well as sharing those valuable information to our students. We are looking forward as well to join such programmes more in the future and expose our Tamil school students in IT world very soon.

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