In 2015, MySkills Foundation was highlighted in a study conducted by the World Bank in conjunction with the Economic Planning Unit and Khazanah Nasional. The report published, titled ‘Achieving A System of Competitive Cities in Malaysia’, highlighted the MySkills Foundation intervention model as worthy of scaling and replicating in other ‘hot areas’ with critical numbers of at-risk youth.
With that said, the Kaarainagar Fraternity Centre seeks to provide similar support to the community in Kangkar Pulai, Johor and we are working together with their volunteers to promote this model. We were thrilled to host the Kaarainagar Fraternity Centre team on our Kalumpang campus for volunteer empowerment training, as well as to brainstorm upcoming projects for us to work together on.
Through these efforts, MySkills Foundation is looking to develop a satellite campus in Johor. We are always looking for volunteers around the Kangkar Pulai area who are willing to support this newly established satellite centre. Thank you so much to the Kaarainagar Fraternity Centre team for coming to visit and we hope to see you again soon!